Gastric bypass and diabetes treatment

لايف باث كلينك
672 مشاهدة

Obesity and diabetes:
Being overweight affects cells because overeating puts pressure on the network of membrane within cells called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It leads to insulin resistance and consequently persistently elevated blood glucose concentrations and this is one of the sure signs of diabetes.

The search for “diabetes” today is far-reaching, from the environment around us and the eating habits of our society to the deep study of the cell. It is easier to look at these habits that cause obesity.
Scientists have confirmed that obesity plays a major role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

When we eat a lot of food, as we often do, all the nutrients we eat must be processed, stored, and used, so the endoplasmic reticulum overworks and starts sending distress signals that tell cells to block the insulin receptors. This is called insulin resistance, and this resistance to insulin causes blood glucose levels to rise.

It is “actually the artificial machine of the cell”, which is responsible for processing proteins and fats.
What’s the solution ??

Studies have proven that gastric bypass surgery, which in turn causes obesity in the body.

Leads to a permanent cure for diabetes.

Gastric bypass surgery has become one of the most important obesity treatment operations, as it has been transformed from a cosmetic operation to a therapeutic operation.

Where these operations are done laparoscopically and without any surgical intervention.
These operations have also proven remarkable and rapid progress in the world of obesity treatment, as these operations have become the only way to get rid of excess obesity, diabetes and pressure, as they have proven successful in eliminating cardiovascular diseases.

Gastric bypass surgery link at Life Path Clinics:

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اقرأ أيضاً في المدونة

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